Connecting with your Spirit Guides is an excellent way to obtain wisdom, guidance and advice on your life path. It can help bring a sense of fulfilment, support and calm.
Connecting with your Spirit Guides is an excellent way to obtain wisdom, guidance and advice on your life path. It can help bring a sense of fulfilment, support and calm. We all have spirit guides assigned to us to help guide us through life when we were born.
They arrange the right ‘coincidences’, bring people into our lives, and provide us with gut feelings and intuitive insights to support and help us on the right path. Your Spirit Guides can see many parts of your life that you can’t – they know what is coming up for you.
I can help you connect with your guides, pass on information, and teach you some techniques that help you continue to communicate independently.
What are spirit guides?
When we were born, we all have Spirit Guides assigned to us to help guide us through life. They arrange the right 'coincidences', bring people into our lives, and provide us with gut feelings and intuitive insights to support and help us on the right path. Your spirit Guides can see many parts of your life that you can't – they know what is coming up for you.
Spirit Guides are beings who have passed on to the next world. Instead of reincarnating on Earth, they have decided to devote their lives to serving as spirit guides to continue their soul's progress. It is a great privilege; hardly everyone has the opportunity to be a spirit guide. Having this option implies a high level of ascension and mastery.
We're matched with spirit guides who can help us the most. This is sometimes disguised as complementary or similar strengths.
Spirit guides frequently have a deeper understanding of us than we do. They're assisting us and directing us towards healing and growth.
Spirit guides are always with us
There is no limit to how many Spirit Guides we might receive, we frequently have numerous Spirit Guides simultaneously. Most of us are surrounded by Spirit Guides and are entirely unaware of it. Many feel their guides around us. feel them
Some Guides accompany us at specific times in our lives. They might come in during a challenging time and then go once you're safe. If you're in the hospital, a trauma guide may accompany you and hold space for you until you're discharged. Some guidelines are designated to specific connections, and if that relationship ends, the Guide will be released.
This includes events and even work There may be a guide who assists everyone involved in that one event and is only present for that one encounter. There are some Guides with whom we may only work once in our lives. Others will come and go as needed.
Most of us have at least one constant companion throughout our lives. This Spirit Guide will be there for you through it all, highlighting your abilities and talents, assisting you in finding your path and purpose, and providing guiding light in the dark. Over time, a small percentage of us will outgrow our initial Guide and get a new one. It's the equivalent of outgrowing a mentor and then finding a new one.
While the Guide may provide insight, guidance, clarity, and direction, the human must ultimately decide whether or not to follow the advice. This is something that Spirit Guides are aware of. Several Guides can assist us in realising the full potential of this partnership. If someone needed a new guide, they might request one, whether you want to keep working with one of your guides or finish a contract with them.
Are your loved ones your spirit guides?
Your loved ones definite support you in but they are not your Spirit Guides.
Spirit Guide teaching is a form of mastery. As a way of mastering and even teaching what they've learned, beings become Spirit Guides.
Let's imagine that everyone is a first-year student at the University of Life. Consider your loved ones who have passed on as graduate students or teaching assistants and your Spirit Guides as tenured professors. Your teaching assistants will undoubtedly assist you on your journey and will be around a lot but it will be the professors that will give you the knowledge.
While our Spirit Guides may provide insight, guidance, clarity, and direction, we ultimately decide whether or not to follow the advice. This is something that Spirit Guides are aware of so they do show you new opportunities more than once if needed.
This reading is beneficial to anyone who wants to connect with their Spirit Guides Spirit Guide Connection can be conducted in-person, 1:1 via zoom or phone